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Bench Design Project

With the addition of our fraternities new basketball court, we were in need of a bleacher system. Click the button below to view pictures and learn more about the design, approval, and building aspects of the project.

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Sorting Trashcan Project

Kimberly Clark, a company that makes paper towel products, asked our engineering team to design a method to sort paper towels from other objects with a list of criteria and constraints. Our team designed a method to sort the paper towels upon entry using color sensors and compressed air. Click the button to see the design process.

Truck Sliders

As a college student I observe the ways people get to class. I noticed that many people are using different sized wheels on skateboards. Different sized wheels have different purposes. I designed a method to change skateboard wheels on the go quickly and easily. Click below  for more information and pictures of the solution.

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Autonomous Aerial Drone

As a member of the Aerial Robotics team for Purdue IEEE, I have spent my time on the mechanical mechanisms sub team of a large scale project. Together we are building an autonomous drone that avoids objects in the sky, locates targets, and drops an unmanned ground vehicle onto those targets. My sub team is working on the bay doors, camera gimbal, and drop mechanism inside the fuselage. This project is for a competition against other schools that will take place in 2022. Click below to see our current progress.

Projects: Services


Microsoft Office


Computer Aided Design

-Siemens NX

Coding Languages




Projects: List
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